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As most of you know, my family and I moved to the Middle East when I was three. During my nearly 10 years of living there, I was able to experience the beauty (and sometimes challenges) of doing life with other cultures. I loved the opportunity to build relationships with other kids my age who were from many places around the world including South Africa, the Philippines, India and the UK to name a few. Also, while living in the Middle East, my family and I did quite a bit of travel to other countries as well. I quickly discovered that I had a healthy appetite (sometimes literally) for what other cultures offered.

While it is true that I was young while we lived overseas, in that time, I was able to see and experience what ministry is like within other cultures. My dad was the pastor of a new church plant where we saw tremendous growth in only a few short years. That growth eventually saw us grow in numbers and amongst those numbers were over 25 nationalities. It was truly what I believe heaven might be like….. “every tribe and nation”.

While overseas, I mostly observed my mom and dad in “doing” ministry. Shortly after my family returned to the States in 2019, I was presented the opportunity to serve in a Christian missions organization called Child Evangelism Fellowship. Now 16 years old, I participated in a ministry that saw children be presented with the Gospel through stories from the Bible and missionaries, taught Bible verses, and sung songs. We then offered the children the chance to respond to an invitation to a relationship with Jesus.

As I now approach graduation, I need to take this unique season in my life to fulfill a great opportunity. Through the World Race organization, I will once again be able to see other parts of the world. Over 9 months, we will be traveling to Columbia, Vietnam, South Africa, and the Philippines. I am so excited to see and experience these cultures while sharing the love of Christ with those we meet along the way. I also trust that the Lord will use this time away to meet me in a very real and powerful way as I prepare to set the trajectory for the rest of my life.

Thank you for partnering with me in my journey. First, and most important, please continue to pray for me and the rest of the team as we embark on this life-changing journey. Lastly, would you consider helping me reach my financial support goals with any monetary gift you might be able to do. I cannot tell you how encouraging it is to know that I am not going this alone, the Lord goes with me and many people like you are going with me through your ongoing prayers and support.

For glory and honor,

Isaac Modder

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Isaac Modder

This blog for Isaac Modder is operated by Adventures In Missions, an interdenominational missions organization that focuses on discipleship, prayer and building relationships through service around the world.